Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Day 256 of Our Sri Lanka Trip

     Okay, so it has only been seven days in reality, but it feels like SO much more!   This is nothing like I expected (not exactly sure what I expected), but this trip has totally worn me out, physically and mentally.  We came to relax, but it seems that doing anything we like is hard work.   Internet access?  Have to walk to find a place.  Any walking?  Have to fight off the tuc tuc drivers, the store owners, and the beggars.   Walking?  Too humid.   Eating?  Afraid to eat now due to sickness.  Tired of fighting off the teeming hoards of humanity.  Don’t want to take naps, because then I can’t sleep at night (which is hard anyway because the bed is so uncomfortable and there is always noise).  

      I found out that my beloved Aunt Shirl passed away yesterday.   I can’t believe that I am so far away from the life and death matters in my family.   It makes me totally homesick….I can’t even believe how much. 

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