Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Eve/Christmas Day in Sri Lanka (2011)

     I can’t begin to tell you how homesick I am right now.  I miss my family and friends, and I also miss my own holiday traditions.  I hadn’t realized how hard it would be to give up those things in order to live overseas.  I never have taken those things for granted, but I can tell you that I never, ever will.  It’s the smaller things in life that make our daily survival bearable.  If Santa Claus showed up right now with a ticket for me to fly home, I’d take it in a heartbeat….and forget anything here on the other side of the world. 

     Sri Lanka is a blend of Christians, Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists; Nikki read something that called Negombo the “Little Rome” of Sri Lanka because of the number of Christians here.  There are Christmas lights all over the place.  Little bands of boys run through the streets at night singing “Jingle Bells” while begging for donations.  There are shops full of Christmas schtick like blow up Santas, red plush Santa hats, and fat, colorful garland.  This is a place that definitely loves its holiday.  There are creches everywhere.   Here is an example of someone getting too excited about putting up the Nativity scene, put it up in front of the crucifixion statue:

     On Christmas Eve, we went to dinner at our local WiFi hangout.  I was able to Skype for a little while with my sister and her family.   That was delightful!   I got to say “Merry Christmas” to a fat, jolly, naked, little elf named Charleigh Jo…..the newest sweetie in our family!  Nikki ate fruit salad and I had a bowl of chicken/egg drop soup with ginger ale.  Then we were beat so we came back, read a little, and hit the sack.  Alas, sleep was not my friend.  The natives were celebrating Christmas Eve by shooting off fireworks for a good portion of the night.  On top of that, our air conditioning was working too well and my sheet just wasn’t up to the job of keeping me warm.  I got up twice to turn it up before I discovered the magic number.
     Then, Christmas morning, we got up early and headed off to our WiFi hangout.  I know that they normally don’t open until 11:00am but we saw someone there and asked if we could simply sit by the back gate and use their WiFi; of course, in all his niceness, he said yes.  I was so hoping that Grace would have been up so I could have wished her a Merry Christmas eve and see what was happening.  But apparently the festivities were in full swing at the Block household and no one was thinking about getting on the computer.   I don’t blame them….I know how much fun Christmas Eve is there with all the family gathering together!!

     We then came back to our hotel for breakfast and then I purchased a sarong from a beach vendor lady…..she was stick thin, so I figured that she didn’t eat very regularly.  We got offered a ride in a catamaran, which we declined since we will be on the water for a few hours tomorrow; two days in a row is a little much for my pale skin.  Then a little R&R before going back to the beach for swimming.  How many people can say they swam in the Indian Ocean on Christmas Day???   Oh wait…I can tell you….a whole bunch!   The beach was full of people walking, swimming, eating, laughing, visiting, and having fun.   It is a beautiful day in paradise!!


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