Friday, October 7, 2011

"...we welcome people from all nations to come in and share"

“You look at the history -- the aboriginal people welcomed the first settlers here with open arms, fed us and took care of us ... that continues today, we welcome people from all nations to come in and share.”   Peter Stoffer

And welcome us they do!   I am an associate member of the Canadians in Kuwait, which is a social group that gets together weekly to socialize.  While it is basically a Canadian group, they welcome all ex-pats to to join them at their events.  Friday mornings they host a brunch.  Since Friday is the Muslim holy day, most people have the day off.   Some churches also hold their services on Friday morning because of this.

I joined this group as an associate member because members enjoy a discount on the price of the social events.  Who wouldn’t want to attend a cocktail party at the Canadian Embassy?   Or a ball?   Or the Canadian Thanksgiving Dinner (which, by the way, is this Monday, October 10)?  I already have my ticket for the Thanksgiving Dinner and am excited for Monday to get here!  Cocktail parties begin soon.

Currently, our brunches are held at the Sahara Country Club.   I have posted photos for your viewing pleasure.  

As you can see, even in the desert there is grass, if one has the means to take care of it! 
I have to tell you about the choice of brunch foods because this really kills me.  First, there is a choice of pork and beans (meatless) and also foul (which is a Middle-Eastern type of bean dish).  Then there are several types of breakfast meats:  one is horrible-looking pink hotdogs which they call chicken sausage (remember, there is no pork here) and beef bacon.  I have to admit that I have not been able to bring myself to try beef bacon, and I am a pretty fearless eater, I think.  This meat looks terrible and the thought of it makes me cringe!  LOL  There are several choices of prepared eggs, one of which is a kind of poached egg in an oily veggie sauce.  Pancakes and french toast (sad looking).  The best thing is the made-to-order omelette, vegetarian style, of course.  Too bad there is no salsa!  There is a good selection of salad makings and also of melons and pineapple.  Several types of yoghurt and cheeses.  Several selections of pastries; I prefer these little yellow muffins with dried fruit (yummy!).  Cold cereals and breads.   And juices.   And the best iced tea and tart lemonade!!   All in all, a good selection.
So far I have met an Indian petroleum engineer, a French man (I don’t know what he does), a woman from New Zealand who is waiting on paperwork to teach ESL to adults in China, a couple from Vancouver, Canada (he’s Kuwaiti and she’s French/Canadian), a teaching couple from Canada, and Vicky and Julia, teachers from England.  

All of this for the reasonable price of 2KD for taxi (approximately $7.00) and 5KD for breakfast ($18.00).  Okay, perhaps not so reasonable, but a good splurge at any rate!

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