Sunday, June 22, 2014

Home - Summer 2014

Yes!   I'm finally home!  Grace, Alex, Cassi, and Jeramiah met me at the airport at 8 pm!!!   So happy to see them all, but missed the girls.  We went out for Mexican, since that is what I have been dreaming about.  A very nice homecoming indeed.

Yesterday morning I was awakened by Jill and Brian who had driven up from Laramie on their 34th anniversary!  I'm so glad they came!   We went to Tacos Mexico for lunch, stopped at Big Lots to check out their treasures, then joined Cassi and her mother for Cassi's wedding dress fitting.  Then we went out to Beth and Ed's to see Alex's new baby and Grandpa Richard.  After a long day of visiting in-laws and out-laws, the Blocks drove home.  They needed to get home to have a good rest since they planned to go to the Brooks' new home in Wellington to help them move.  A big day and a happy day for me!!!   I love my sister!!!

This morning I left the house at 5:30 for a walk down to the river.  The sky was overcast and so beautiful; rain was falling to the north, I could see and was hoping it would come our way.  The storm clouds were all shades of navy blue from dark to lightest gray.  There was a silver light shining through a hole in the clouds: the sun wanting to say "Good morning!"  I walked along the path next to the Three Crowns Golf Course and enjoyed the emerald greens.  Quite a few of the trees along the path have died and disappeared, but there were still caraganas, cottonwoods, and elms.  The variety of prairie grasses brought back memories of my childhood and our traipsing up to G-Hill or playing in Mrs. Dye's weeds.  The river was a bit low, but the best part was the white-tail doe on the little island near the bridge.  She was very aware of me, but wasn't afraid enough to run away.  It was only 54F which is only a few degrees warmer than the 50C that I left in Kuwait!  I love it!   

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