Friday, August 26, 2011

After All, It’s a Small World (I changed this a little so I wouldn’t get in trouble with Disney!)

I love, love, love serendipity! Discovering those connections that couldn’t possibly be. The six degrees of separation. Those funny coincidences that amaze. Wyomingites always say that Wyoming is a small town because it seems like everyone knows everyone else, so maybe we do, but I still consider it serendipity when I run into someone somewhere they aren't "supposed" to be. Closer to home, my sister seems to run into someone she knows every single place we go, even if it’s in Colorado. Well, I have a new story to share and it will prove that “It’s a Small World After All.”

One day, we new teachers were herded into a bus and taken to a photography shop to get our pictures taken. We were standing/sitting around in groups visiting, and I happened to overhear a woman saying that she grew up in South Dakota. Of course, I insinuated myself into her conversation so I could introduce myself and find out who she was (Karen). It turned out that she was born in Rapid City (yay, west river!!) but ended up in Sioux Falls, where her family still is. I am always happy to find a fellow South Dakotian….it’s a good place to be from!

Karen was (is) a great visitor, so we kept talking and pretty soon she mentioned that she had taught school in Philip, SD. Well, I have several contacts there so I mentioned my cousin, who she did not know, and then I mentioned the Pekron family, which is my best friend Beth’s family. Voila! A contact! She said that she knew Teresa (she knew her from school and may have even taught her, I can't remember)! Later, she asked about Beth’s little brother, Joe. She even knew Beth’s parents!

Who would ever believe that halfway across the world, I would meet someone who knows people that I know in the tiny town of Philip, SD, in the middle of the prairie in the middle of the US??? God is funny like that.

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