Sunday, August 26, 2012

American Teacher in Kuwait: The Continuing Saga

August 27, 2012 - I have been back for two days already.

I arrived at the Kuwait Airport Friday night at 7:30.  The nicest thing happened when I got there....a call from one of my students, Sarah.  I said, "I have just now arrived and am still at the airport."  To which she replied, "I just had this 'feeling' and needed to call to see how you are doing."   What a sweetie and what a nice way to begin my new year.

Things went well in the airport and I was quickly into a cab...a fancier one than usual, but with a very nice, chatty Pakistani driver.  He told me how he appreciated teachers and respected them.  Then he said that his wife works at one of the Pakistani schools here and that his three daughters are in colleges around the world:  one in Australia, one in Pakistan, and I can't remember the other.  He has good English and probably is educated, yet works as a cab driver in Kuwait.  Something's wrong here.

My apartment was clean and tidy when I got here.  Bindu does such a nice job of taking care of me.   She even left me a gift...wall hangings from Sri Lanka.  

Everything is now unpacked and put away.  Saturday was spent socializing with friends the whole day and resting in between times.  As long as they came to me, I was happy.  I had no energy to do much of anything.

Back to school yesterday, Sunday.  The day was so broken up with small meetings that I didn't have much time to get things done, so most of the day was spent socializing. sounds like a recurring theme, doesn't it?   I had intended to go out and do some shopping in the neighborhood last night, but didn't get anything done.   I came home about 3:30, did a few little chores and then decided to watch a movie.  Well, I made it about 1/2 way through and then fell asleep.  I woke up long enough to turn off the TV and then laid down again at 5:30 and promptly resumed snoring.  At 8:35 I woke up again and could only make it as far as the bed.  I took off my clothes and crashed.   I did wake up at 3:30 this morning, but that's okay.  I got a good night's sleep and hopefully am all caught up on the jet lag and can get back on schedule.  I just hope that Sheila is not upset that I did not get her coffee from King's!!!

That's the report from my first two days back in Kuwait.  It's not too exciting, but it is wonderful to connect with my friends.   I can hardly wait to see Nikki and her new digs....and hear about her trip to Paris.   I am also needing to get in touch with Vicky and hear about her summer cruises.  I'm not going to say it's nice to be home, but it is nice to be here.