Sunday, September 18, 2011

Universal American School – The Beginning

I am teaching 10th grade at the Universal American School here in Kuwait.  The school is located right across the street and through a parking lot away from the apartment building (it takes me less than 5 minutes to get to school).  They are both painted two shades of blue, so you know that they are related to one another.  We tell the taxi drivers, “UAS in Hawally.  You know, the big blue box off of 3rd Ring Road,” and they know right where to take us.  I have attached a photo of the school building for you to look at.
Inside the school, it’s a bit messed up.   I was lost there for quite awhile because I couldn’t get my bearings.  In the center part of the building is a huge staircase going around and around and around for six stories (basement to 4th floor).  How, you might question, does a building with only four floors have six flights of stairs?   Because we have a “hidden” floor, which is called the Mezzanine that is between the ground floor and the 1st floor.   Don’t ask me why.  The high school takes up the 3rd and 4th floors and my classroom is on the 4th floor.   I do try to walk up my 5 flights of stairs at least once a day…it about kills my legs, but I figure it’s good for me. 

While the exterior of the building is bright blue, the inside is intense white.  There is white marble tile everywhere.  Let me tell you, marble is very hard on the feet!!  Standing and walking on that hard floor wears me out and makes my feet hurt by the end of the day.   I wear Birks a lot because they are comfortable, and also my tennis shoes. 

When you first get to the building, there is a small white shack in front.  This is where the guards sit around and visit, read the newspaper, and greet people.   I haven’t really seen them do much of anything, but at least they are there.  I guess they watch the BMWs, Mercedes, Bentleys, Rolls Royces, etc. that bring the kids to school….as they are watching they are probably cussing over the fact that they can’t afford any kind of a car due to low wages.

There is a receptionist at the front desk.   I have attached a photo of the desk, but this man is NOT the receptionist!  LOL   She is really beautiful.   He was just there when I had my camera ready.   I am not sure exactly what the receptionist does, as I have not seen her do anything.

From this point, you have to decide what floor you need and how to get there.  You have a choice of the stairs or the elevator.  Once you arrive at your floor, there is a choice of direction, and then there are little hallways that break off from the main ones.   It is a maze, I tell you!  I only just found my friend’s room on the 3rd floor today.   I had been wandering around there several times trying to find him.  That’s how bad it is.

You can see what my classroom looks like from the photos.   This is before I arranged everything the way I wanted it.   White, white, white.   Well, except for the bright blue window shades!  My room was a bit disappointing when I got there.   I had a computer that didn’t work, an overhead projector (that actually belonged in the room next door and the owner came and retrieved it), no books, nothing in my desk, and nothing on the walls.  Where is the technology that I expected??   The handbook says that they are giving the students a 21st century education, but it says nothing about giving it to them with 30-year-old equipment!  I finally got a working computer a week after school started, which was like having Christmas….with my mom who couldn’t ever get the gifts quite right.  I discovered that I had to check out a projector from the library.   I could have a podium made if I paid for it myself.  I had to move all my books and files from a room on 3rd floor myself (I begged for a maid to help me and I got one).  Needless to say, it was a long process to get myself acclimatized and organized, but I think I’m there.